Welcome to my Bloom’n family!
You, me, a cup of tea and a love story with steam and laughs. Sounds like a perfect way to spend a few hours.
I am delighted and honoured (yup, that’s with Canadian spelling!) that you’ve invited me into your inbox. If you’re wondering what to expect…
…a bit of oversharing. I was born with a under-developed filter and have never done the work to build it. So, I talk freely about things like trips to my Ob-Gyn.
…free books from my author friends, especially the ones who write rom-coms since laughter really is my love language.
…erratic emails. I may write four times in a month and then not again for a few months.
I’d love to hear from you so, when I invite you to reply to any of my emails, know that I mean it and that I will reply to you. Because in my world, a truly happily ever after relationship involves conversation, not just one person talking at the other! And I’d like to have a happily ever after with you!
love & stuff,